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  • Writer's pictureSpring Shepherd Art

Thank you very much for coming☆


How are you all doing?

Although it's a little late, I've successfully completed my exhibition of paper-cutting works at Lacorta in Minami-Senri and at the Japan Paper-cutting Art Exhibition☆

Thank you to everyone who came during your busy schedules!

Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts and comments with me, whether they spoke to me in person, wrote in my notes, or sent me emails!

I usually do a lot of work from home, but hearing all the different comments and seeing all the smiles this time really cheered me up~☆☆☆

I am so happy!!

Also, for the first time, I wrote down the concept of each paper cutting work and displayed it in the caption, and I was happy to hear some people say that it helped them to imagine and understand the work.

(I was surprised at how dark the images I got just from reading the text were, but I hope you can find a small light in the darkness in my artworks...)

I will continue to work hard to create new works and exhibit next year.

Thank you very much for your support☆

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