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  • Writer's pictureSpring Shepherd Art

[The 58th Saitama Peace Art Exhibition is currently being held!]

This is my first time exhibiting this year!

I have three works out!

One of them is a new piece called "Plants and Mirror."

[Work description]

When I started working on this piece, I first began researching in my own way about the wars that had taken place in Japan, but due to the sheer volume of material and my own ignorance, I was unable to create a painting that directly addressed the themes of war or peace.

Regardless of country, there were people who were involved in the war, those who went to war, their families, war orphans, those who were heartbroken by hearing those stories, those who became ill as a result of the war, and all kinds of people. I'm sure there were many difficult environments, traumas, and things that I can't even imagine.

In the midst of all this, I thought that I wanted those who had been hurt by this war to find healing, even just a little.


This painting is divided into three parts

■ The outside is made of plants

■ The middle is a mirror

■ The inside features healing motifs such as snakes and scales

is depicted.

■ Outside

It represents a plant.

Plants soothe the five senses.

It is said to be a soothing color for the eyes and a color that does not put strain on the retina.

Your nose will be greeted by the soothing scent of forest phytoncides, and breathing in the scent of plants will give you a deep sense of relaxation.

The mouth can eat using energy obtained directly from plants.

Your ears can hear the breeze through the trees in the forest, as well as the sounds of the birds and insects living in the forest.

In terms of touch, you can feel the energy by hugging a tree or touching a plant.

It represents the seemingly infinite healing power of such plants.

■ Mirror

They are often seen at shrines, and are said to be used as talismans or to represent gods.

It represents healing taking place within, slowly and uninterrupted.

Also, motifs of snakes and scales can be seen on the surface, and the bottom layer of the paper has a hidden pattern of positive energy representing the light of the mirror.

This means that even things that are not directly visible on the surface can be seen in a different light or have a hidden meaning if you look closely.

■ Inside

There are various sadness, pain, and dark energies, but it represents the process of being purified over time.

The snake represents God and is always there to protect us.

The scales are also tilted, but I drew them thinking that it's okay for them to lean towards either negative or positive feelings. It would be nice if the sadness could clear up one day, but when that's difficult, I added the feeling that you don't have to force yourself to face it.

If you have time, please drop by.

■August 13th (Tuesday) to 18th (Sunday), 2024

10:00AM - 5:30PM

*First day starts at 1:00 PM

Last day until 4:00 PM

■The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama

Underground Exhibition Room

(There is no parking lot at the west exit of Kita-Urawa Station.)


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