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  • Writer's pictureSpring Shepherd Art

Two exhibitions have finished!


It's been raining a lot recently, how are you doing?

Although it's a little late, I joined two exhibitions.

■ "A Hundred Artists' Exhibition in Sendai vol.2"

■ "Saitama Peace Art Exhibition"

And the 18th of august, the exhibition has ended☆

■Sendai's Hundred Artists Exhibition↓

↓one of my art work.

■ Saitama's "Peace Art Exhibition" ↓

↓Before turning on the lights☆And other paper cutting artist's works.

Thank you so much to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to stop by and take a look at our art works!

Although I wasn't able to go to Saitama this time, I was happy to receive feedback from so many people!!

Thanks to the connections and support of many people, we were able to participate in a wonderful exhibition!

thank you very much!

Next up is creating works for the paper cutting exhibition in November.

I'll do my best☆

Have a wonderful day today!

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